Thursday, May 13, 2010


I'll be giving birth in less than two months. I can hardly wait. Hell, I already even have a list of what to do!

1. Shed the post-pregnancy fats.
2. Get back to work.
3. Color my hair blue (or purple).
4. Get a tattoo.
5. Visit my mom, sister and brothers often.
6. Treat my dad at Lumpiga resto.
7. Drive around town with Don until sunset (and watch it together).
8. Learn how to walk straight again.
9. Figure out how to recycle my anmum boxes.
10. Share the twins to the parents and in-laws on weekends.
11. Prepare for law school.
12. Continue eating right.
13. Stay up late again.
14. Connect with friends.
15. Style my baby book.
16. Start collecting photos of twins (thanks bb Darenn).
17. Enjoy motherhood (have the whole lifetime to do it).
18. Consider working for the government.
19. Fit into my pants again.
20. Bring Snow-snow when doing the grocery.